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年龄/等级:6-9 / Level-3 / 1-3

作 者:Frank Asch

主 题:动物 - 动物园里的动物   


  • 页 数:-
  • 图书类型:Picture Book
  • 装订类型:Hardcover
  • 价 格:16.99 美元
  • 押 金:0 元
  • 逾期借阅费:0 元/月

Overview 简介:

From the beloved author of the Moonbear series, Frank Asch, comes a charming new picture book about a ‘zoo-brary’ that accidentally loses track of a tiger!

Miss Perkins is happy to be the librarian at The Lending Zoo, a ‘zoo-brary’ that lends out all types of animals—from massive elephants to majestic giraffes. Everything usually goes smoothly: water buffaloes, snakes, parrots, and more are checked out and returned without a problem. But one sunny day Pancake, the tiger, goes missing and Miss Perkins along with her new friend Molly must go on a citywide search to find him! Will they be able to track him down before he causes a commotion all over town?

From School Library Journal

PreS-K—Instead of a book, check out an animal. Miss Perkins, the Zoobrarian, will help you find the right one. The available creatures are not necessarily small or domesticated. Among the choices are an elephant and a bear. The concept of borrowing wild animals is intriguing, but the story itself is rather tame. Pancake the tiger is missing. Miss Perkins and Molly, a young would-be patron, follow a trail of wet footprints that leads them all over town. The mystery of the animal's disappearance is solved when Pancake simply returns to the Lending Zoo; apparently he wanted nothing more than some fresh air and exercise. Flat, opaque pastel-colored illustrations are appealing and suit the cheerful fantasy setting. VERDICT Older children may want more action, but preschoolers will enjoy a visit to this unusual zoo.—Lucinda Snyder Whitehurst, St. Christopher's School, Richmond, VA

About the Author

Frank Asch, a graduate of Cooper Union, has written more than eighty children’s books, among them the bestselling classics featuring Moonbear and Baby Bear; Russian National Book Award recipientHere Comes the Cat; and Oppenheimer Toy Portfolio Golden Award winnerLike a Windy Day. Mr. Asch lives in Hawaii.

Frank Asch, a graduate of Cooper Union, has written more than eighty children’s books, among them the bestselling classics featuring Moonbear and Baby Bear; Russian National Book Award recipientHere Comes the Cat; and Oppenheimer Toy Portfolio Golden Award winnerLike a Windy Day. Mr. Asch lives in Hawaii.

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