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  • 页 数:64
  • 图书类型:Level Reading
  • 装订类型:Softcover
  • 价 格:3.99 美元
  • 押 金:40 元
  • 逾期借阅费:6 元/月
Series / 所属系列:
I Can Read : Harper Collins 出版的分级读物,每本书 32-64 页不等,比较长的书包含不只一个故事。在有趣的故事吸引孩子读下去,从中通过大量的重复达到熟练掌握的目的。这套书和其他分级读物的一个主要区别是,文字以及插图作者大多为有名的儿童作家及画家,因此虽为分级读物但故事性、图画均水平很高,很多还出版了带有 CD 的版本,广受好评。其中的Frog and Toad, Little Bear, Amelia Bedelia 更是大名在外。这套书是美国很多小学的阅读教材,包括回国后的外教班,就是在鲜花博客中的博文《美国老师如何引导孩子读绘本》中提到的那个专为小海归办的、和美国孩子同步学习的外教班,也选用了这套书中一些作为阅读教材。
Amelia Bedelia : 这套书的第一本发于1963年,然后一发不可收。作者去世后,作者的侄女儿继续写下去。现在,Amelia Bedelia 已经成了最受美国孩子喜爱的图书形象之一。可爱的、心底善良、做事认真的 Amelia 是家里的女佣人,她已经成了家里不可缺少的一员,不管出现如何的意外,她总是能够...

Overview / 简介:
When Amelia Bedelia helps out with the school Thanksgiving play, she causes quite a scene. Let's all give thanks for another funny new Amelia Bedelia story!

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
In her newest adventure, Amelia Bedelia volunteers to direct the third-grade Thanksgiving play, with the help of handyman Cousin Alcolu. The ditzy housekeeper manages to misinterpret every homonym and slip on every pun, creating a hilarious pageant that is wildly applauded by both children and adults. Parish ably continues his aunt's legacy by creating another comical chapter book for newly independent readers. Children will enjoy the silly mishaps and misunderstandings while reinforcing their ability to distinguish between same-sounding words that have different meanings. Sweat's ink and watercolor illustrations are light and airy, adding another layer of humor and familiarity to this latest escapade

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
My family finds Amelia Bedlia hilarious. I recommend these books to anyone. They are such a great conversation jumping off point. For example, you can discuss with your children what "all ears" means, or what "drawing the curtains" means. Because of these types of misunderstandings on Amelia Bedelia's part, there seems to be a lot of adult humor in them as well. In this one, it actually shows pictures of what Amelia Bedelia is thinking about. When a child says they will play a big role in the play, a little bubble pops up to show that Amelia Bedelia sees him as a bread roll.

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