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  • 页 数:32
  • 图书类型:Picture Book
  • 装订类型:Softcover
  • 价 格:6.99 美元
  • 押 金:70 元
  • 逾期借阅费:11 元/月
Overview / 简介:
Each day the teeny tiny ghost goes to haunting school to try to become scarier. It's hard work, though -- especially since he's frightened by his own screams! Then, one bat-black October night, the teeny tiny ghost is floating in his teeny tiny home when he hears a RAP TAP TAP on the door. And then he knows it's up to him to keep himself and his teeny tiny cats safe. But what are the chances that a teeny tiny timid ghost will really be able to scare someone away?

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
PreSchool-Grade 2. The teeny tiny ghost is so timid that even practicing "boos" makes him hide his little head. Indeed, only his teensie cats are more frightened than he is. Then, on Halloween night, strange lights and loud knocks on the door set the felines mewing, and the specter has to muster up his courage and howl and yowl whoever it is away. Despite his best efforts, the visitors cheer and clap. They're his friends from school?ready to party and go trick-or-treating. The mildest of stories for a scary holiday, this one contains a lesson about being brave for someone else, of making yourself do what you fear, and overcoming it in the process. The cartoonlike illustrations are colorful and add humor, and the typeface and text within the pictures are used to good effect.?

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
The clever, very funny and fun-loving illustrations in this cute Halloween book make a creative and refreshingly original story come to life. Meet the teeny, tiny ghost and his two teeny tiny black cats and join him at his school where he is trying unsuccessfully to learn the ropes of haunting. He howls and he yeowls, boos and whoo-ooes but he consistently succeeds only in scaring himself silly. He hears some suspicious sounds and sees some spooky lights and shadows on Halloween and when the teeny tiny black cats get scared he rises to the challenge, faces his own fears and lets loose with his best, bone-chilling racket to scare away the spooks. A wonderful revelation results! Join in the fun and share these adorably comic illustrations with your children this Halloween. It's sure to become a favorite.

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  •   The Teeny Tiny Ghost[条形码 88202648]     - 在馆可借



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