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  • 页 数:32
  • 图书类型:Picture Book
  • 装订类型:Softcover
  • 价 格:6.95 美元
  • 押 金:70 元
  • 逾期借阅费:11 元/月
Overview / 简介:
Kindergarten-Grade 3-Miss Irma Birmbaum, the cruelest teacher in the world, is turned into a 50-foot giant. Traveling home on Halloween night, her car is blocked by a spaceship. In response to her shouting for it to move, her body is enlarged to epic proportions. Trick-or-treaters are terrified as their teacher scoops them up, puts them in her purse, and delivers them to the principal's door. Principal Renfield berates this educator for giving homework on Halloween and for not remembering the fun she had as a child. In the end, Miss Birmbaum's homework assignment is to "have as much fun as you can!" The story line isn't as strong as the artwork. Watercolor cartoon characters with comical expressions contribute to the exaggerated humor in the plot. From the beginning, Miss Irma Birmbaum's stock character is vivid as she menacingly peers out from behind her butterfly-framed eyeglasses. Ample white space surrounds the large typeface and easy-to-read text. An additional purchase where Halloween stories are in demand.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
When Miss Irma Birmbaum, the toughest, meanest teacher in town, assigns homework on Halloween night, the children all moan in despair. But when Miss Irma Birmbaum takes a detour on the way home and encounters a UFO that turns her into a 50-foot tall teacher, the trick-or-treating children are truly petrified. Their now-huge teacher scoops up the students and plops them in her enormous purse, then marches over to the principal's house to report them for not finishing their homework. Is there anything that will save these children from their big, scary teacher? Is it possible she remembers what fun it was to be a kid wearing a costume and stuffing herself with candy? Clearly, Lisa Passen remembers. She also seems to have a pretty good memory for how it feels to be a tiny child at the mercy of seemingly giant authority figures. But she has the adult advantage of recognizing that Miss Irma Birmbaum is probably someone who just needs a little nudge to remember her own happier days and release the smiling self buried deep inside. The details are what tickle the reader's fancy: Miss Irma Birmbaum's itchy stockings, and her memory of herself as a smaller, smiley-er girl--complete with the same cat-eye-glasses and gray bouffant hairdo, plus pigtails. Would that all the mean, tough teachers out there could have life-altering run-ins with alien life forms. (Ages 5 to 8)

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
I first noticed this book in our school library (I teach 2nd grade) and had to get it since I'm a rather tall teacher myself. It is a cute Halloween story that my class enjoyed a lot. The illustrations are very vivid and the story is original. I enjoyed how the adults had to be reminded what it was like to be a kid, and the kids saw another side of their teacher that they didn't expect to see. My only complaint is that my students and I wished that more happened in the story. It seemed a little short.

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