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年龄/等级:5-8 / Level-2 / K-2

作 者:Mo Willems

主 题:动物 - 农场动物动物 - 野生哺乳动物动物 - 动物园里的动物   


  • 页 数:-
  • 图书类型:Picture Book
  • 装订类型:Softcover
  • 价 格:9.99 美元
  • 押 金:0 元
  • 逾期借阅费:0 元/月

The mercurial friendship of Elephant and Piggie survives another minor (but seemingly life-ending!) tiff. The two are basking in shared bliss when Piggie announces, “Well, I am going.” Elephant proceeds to get histrionic, clawing at his ears and wailing, “Who will I skip with? Who will I play Ping-Pong with? Who will I wear a silly hat with? WHO WILL I SKIP AND PLAY PING-PONG IN A SILLY HAT WITH?!?!” Though it falls short of the high-water marks of I Love My New Toy! (2008) and I Will Surprise My Friend! (2008), Willems again distills the abrupt melodrama summoned by the commonest of childhood disagreements. As always, the key is the offhandedness of the presentation—the pencil art, the simple font, and the generous white space create a mid-tempo visual rhythm that is somehow intrinsically funny. This austerity is broken when Elephant reaches the mad heights of his tantrum. For both adult and child readers, it’s a moment as pleasurably predictable as the making-up that quickly follows. Preschool-Grade 2. --Daniel Kraus

The two-time (so far) Geisel Medalist continues to set the bar high for beginning-reader achievement in this latest installment of the Elephant & Piggie series. Cover art depicts Piggie poised to walk away and anxious elephant Gerald's horrified reaction to her imminent departure. Although the title page repeats this cause-and-effect relationship, the book proper opens with the contented pair reveling in each other's company. "This is a good day," Gerald announces, and it is-until a few pages later when Piggie says, "Well, I am going," and her elephant pal pitches a fit of separation-anxiety induced pleading and temper worthy of a certain pigeon (who, since he shows up in every Willems book, appropriately makes an appearance during this tantrum scene). Piggie holds her ground, eventually explaining that she's only going to lunch. Relieved Gerald, along with a contingent of ants, joins her for a picnic, replete with colors that satisfyingly deviate from the series' limited palette. To paraphrase Gerald: This is a good book.—Kirkus

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  •   I Am Going[条形码 71813141]     - 已被 女王妈妈 借出 归还日期2019-02-26
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