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年龄/等级:5-8 / Level-2 / K-2

作 者:Dan Yaccarino

主 题:成长及个性发展阶段   


  • 页 数:36
  • 图书类型:Picture Book
  • 装订类型:Hardcover
  • 价 格:17.99 美元
  • 押 金:0 元
  • 逾期借阅费:0 元/月

“This engaging read-aloud…encourages children to be open to accepting and exploring different points of view. It also demonstrates how teamwork can benefit everyone…a must-have for all shelves.” (School Library Journal(starred review))

“Yaccarino highlights the power of kindness and daring to go against the grain in the story of a small, dapper mole who doesn’t fit in with his larger, burlier brothers...Yaccarino’s crisp, retro graphics exude energy and humor while emphasizing the rewards that can come with trusting one’s instincts.” (Publishers Weekly)

“Yaccarino’s digital illustrations are bold and graphic, and they do an excellent job of contrasting the under- and aboveground worlds that Morris Mole traverses in his adventure of individuality and community.” (Kirkus Reviews)

“The effective use of backgrounds…helps to signal key setting details for young listeners. A gentle reminder that thinking differently can have its rewards.” (Booklist)

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  •   Morris Mole[条形码 71802749]     - 已被 星亦 借出 归还日期2018-12-21
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