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年龄/等级:6-9 / Level-3 / 1-3

作 者:Colin Stuart

主 题:科学、技术类   


  • 页 数:-
  • 图书类型:Level Reading
  • 装订类型:Softcover
  • 价 格:9.99 美元
  • 押 金:70 元
  • 逾期借阅费:11 元/月

You'll find tons of super-fun, hands-on activities that will captivate all the inquisitive girls and boys around. In this book, kids will build a model atom with marshmallows, create your own rainbow, and construct your own volcano! This book includes:

  • Compelling challenges, activities, and do-at-home experiments
  • High-quality, contemporary, "this isn't your boring school book" illustrations and graphics
  • Easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions for the activities and experiments
  • Bite-sized text explaining scientific facts and stats, and much more

This inspiring series was created with input from STEM Editor Consultant Georgette Yakman. Ms. Yakman is the founding researcher and creator of STEAM Education, a U.S. organization that provides educational programs to encourage innovative learning in science and technology. So get ready to explore, engage, and entertain young minds with this exciting collection of genius activities and games!

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