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Spot, the Cat



年龄/等级:0-3 / Birth-PreK

作 者:Henry Cole

主 题:动物 - 宠物   


  • 页 数:32
  • 图书类型:Picture Book
  • 装订类型:Hardcover
  • 价 格:17.99 美元
  • 押 金:0 元
  • 逾期借阅费:0 元/月

Simple and stunning images tell the story of a cat named Spot as he weaves his way in and out of a city in this wordless picture book from award-winning author-illustrator Henry Cole.

Through this gorgeous visual narrative, Henry Cole shows us a day in the life of a cat named Spot. Spot sneaks away from home by way of an open window to go on a wordless journey through the city. Follow Spot as he weaves through busy city streets, visits a farmers market, wanders into a park full of kite-flyers, and beyond. But while Spot is out on his adventure, his beloved boy owner is looking for him—seeming tojustmiss him every time. When all seems almost lost, Spot’s story reminds us that there’s always a way back home.

With stunningly detailed black-and-white illustrations, readers will love following Spot on his adventure—along the way finding characters and objects that appear, disappear, and reappear—and cheering for the sweet reunion at the end.

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  •   Spot, the Cat[条形码 61800439]     - 在馆可借



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