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年龄/等级:6-9 / Level-3 / 1-3

作 者:Buckley Helen E.

主 题:亲情、家庭 - (外)祖童话故事、传说类   


  • 页 数:24
  • 图书类型:Picture Book
  • 装订类型:Softcover
  • 价 格:7.99 美元
  • 押 金:80 元
  • 逾期借阅费:12 元/月
Overview / 简介:
Grandmother and I are sitting on the big chair, rocking. We rock back and forth, and back and forth.
Other people have laps for sitting on and backs for riding on. But when you have a cold or lighting is coming, nothing feels quite as right as rocking on Grandmother's lap, listening to the little tunes that she hums.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
I bought this book for my 5 year old daughter who lives a considerable distance from both grandmothers. This book helped her recall the special feelings of closeness she has with each. She is now 7 and still loves me to read it to her (even though she can read it herself)! The rhythmic lines repeated, "rocks back and forth, back and forth" describing the grandmother's rocking chair motions with her granddaugher in her lap, make it appropriate for kids under 5. And the message conveys wonderfully the special comforting and loving embrace that are a grandmother's speciality. I would highly recommend it.

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