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年龄/等级:3-6 / Pre-K

作 者:Dev Petty

主 题:睡前故事   


  • 页 数:-
  • 图书类型:Picture Book
  • 装订类型:Hardcover
  • 价 格:22.99 美元
  • 押 金:0 元
  • 逾期借阅费:0 元/月

Fans of the hit I Don't Want to Be a Frog will hop with joy for this fourth book in the series—a hilarious and clever twist on the classic childhood issue of not wanting to go to bed.

Frog is excited about autumn and the coming of winter. But when Owl informs him that frogs hibernate till spring, Frog is upset at missing out on all the snowy fun. In this hysterically funny twist on the classic "I don't want to go to bed" dilemma, Frog comes up with all kinds of reasons why he's not going to sleep through winter, until he devises a clever way to convince his friends to come along for the ride.

Featuring the beloved young frog character from the hit I Don't Want to Be a Frog and his cast of zany animal friends, this new story is sure to bring a smile to every kid who's ever protested at bedtime. And parents will appreciate a bold new twist on a timeless childhood topic. It's another surefire crowd pleaser and perfect read-aloud.

And look for the other books starring Frog:I Don't Want to Be a Frog,I Don't Want to Be Big,and There's Nothing to Do!Fans of the hit I Don't Want to Be a Frog will hop with joy for this fourth book in the series—a hilarious and clever twist on the classic childhood issue of not wanting to go to bed.

Frog is excited about autumn and the coming of winter. But when Owl informs him that frogs hibernate till spring, Frog is upset at missing out on all the snowy fun. In this hysterically funny twist on the classic "I don't want to go to bed" dilemma, Frog comes up with all kinds of reasons why he's not going to sleep through winter, until he devises a clever way to convince his friends to come along for the ride.

Featuring the beloved young frog character from the hit I Don't Want to Be a Frog and his cast of zany animal friends, this new story is sure to bring a smile to every kid who's ever protested at bedtime. And parents will appreciate a bold new twist on a timeless childhood topic. It's another surefire crowd pleaser and perfect read-aloud.

And look for the other books starring Frog:I Don't Want to Be a Frog,I Don't Want to Be Big,and There's Nothing to Do!

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