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年龄/等级:7-10 / Level-4 / 2-3

作 者:Taravant Jacques

主 题:童话故事、传说类寓言、神话类   


  • 页 数:-
  • 图书类型:Picture Book
  • 装订类型:Softcover
  • 价 格:4.99 美元
  • 押 金:50 元
  • 逾期借阅费:8 元/月
From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Caldecott Honor artist Sis (Tibet Through the Red Box) provides fittingly wispy, ethereal art for this allegorical tale about the first angel. The late Taravant, a French diplomat, penned the lyrical story for his son (it first appeared posthumously in Le Monde). Long ago, when no creatures had wings, there lived a Little Wing Giver whose origins were unknown: "Perhaps he was born inside a flower one morning. Or perhaps he slid down to earth on a moonbeam one summer night. Or perhaps God had realized He'd forgotten to give out wings and sent the little boy to complete His creation." In full-page and vignette illustrations, Sis follows the cheerful youngster as he traverses the land, handing out wings to birds, bugs and butterflies, until "all the creatures you can think of had the wings they now have." One dramatic scene depicts the boy riding on a stork high above the ocean; another shows the climax, in which the lad lies down to rest and the jealous wind, whirling around the frame of the picture, hurls his wings in its wake. The hero performs one last act of kindness before falling into a deep slumber then his winged pals find a way to repay him. A penultimate view of the hero's ascension and the following scene featuring a parade of flying birds, rendered in soft pastel shades, close the volume on an uplifting note. All ages.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Once upon a time a little boy appeared with a bottomless sack, full of wings. There were fluffy white wings, scissor-pointed wings, gossamer wings, even wooden wings, in all shapes, colors and sizes. The Little Wing Giver called out to all, "Come get your wings./Beautiful wings!/Come get your wings/And fly, fly, fly!" And birds, insects and butterflies all came to him, and soon the world was full of flight. But the wind grew jealous one night, and blew all the Little Wing Giver's wings away, forever. The Little Wing Giver grew sad and very tired and lay down and fell into a deep sleep. The birds sang to him and the insects tickled him, but he wouldn't wake up. Finally, a nosy magpie saw one last pair of wings sticking out of the Little Wing Giver's pocket. The creatures quickly attached them to his shoulders, and he soared away, up into the sky. "And it was on seeing the Little Wing Giver flying toward Him through a sunlit cloud that gave God the idea of creating angels."..... Jacques Taravant has written a whimsical and evocative story, that will charm youngsters with its imagery and magic. His tender text, and gentle message, is complemented by award winning artist, Peter Sis' enchanting illustrations and together they've authored a spiritual and uplifting story that's sure to become a classic. Perfect for all ages, The Little Wing Giver is a wonderful family read-aloud story to share and discuss and pass on to loved ones, friends and future generations.

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