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年龄/等级:5-8 / Level-2 / K-2

作 者:Curtis Jamie Lee

主 题:社交 - 性格、个性   


  • 页 数:40
  • 图书类型:Picture Book
  • 装订类型:Hardcover
  • 价 格:16.99 美元
  • 押 金:102 元
  • 逾期借阅费:17 元/月
Overview / 简介:
Product Description
My mommy hung the moon.
She tied it with string.
My mommy's good at EVERYTHING.

The ninth children's book by the #1 New York Times bestselling team of Jamie Lee Curtis and Laura Cornell is a celebration of unconditional love between mother and child. Mommy is the best at everything: Not only does she carpool, untangle kites, steal bases, and bake cookies, she also seems to light up the sun with her love. Written straight from the heart and illustrated with tender hilarity, My Mommy Hung the Moon: A Love Story is a keepsake that defines the magical relationship a mother has with her son or daughter. So grab the little one you love, and rejoice as the ordinary moments of everyday life become extraordinary because of the magic of mother love.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
PreSchool-Grade 2—A child rhapsodizes about how wonderful and amazing his mother is. From the everyday things she can do (drive her kid around, make him feel better, break into spontaneous dance) to the ways that she seems superhuman ("She pours all the seas/and sparkles each star./And then she collects one/in my night-light jar"), the recurring theme is that "My mommy's good at everything." It is a touching sentiment, and definitely universal, if slightly overdone in this case. There is a giddy exuberance in both the text and the illustrations that sometimes seems forced, particularly when the rhyme stumbles ("She feathered the birds./She taught them to chirp./She taught me to speak,/my cousin to burp"). There are moments, however, when the book manages to convey a child's sense of adoration with just the right amount of glee, such as when the mother bakes a "BIG MOMMA BATCH" of cookies, and the illustration shows a conveyor belt filled with cookies representing everything from ET to Mount Rushmore. It's an image that is genuinely funny and indicative of how children look up to the adults who positively influence their lives. While not this team's strongest offering, the book will find a place with mothers and children who want another book to celebrate the special connection they have with one another.—Kara Schaff Dean, Walpole Public Library, MA

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
This well-crafted book deserves a place in your bedtime routine! Kids, grandkids, nieces and nephews --- whatever your local audience, they'll be delighted by this tribute to Mommy, told in rhymes that your children will quickly learn, memorize and quote back to you... ...Which is one good purpose of the well-told story. Repetition reinforces the lessons we hope our kids will learn --- including the primary lesson here: That the world is a safer place, and a better one, because Mommy shows up for duty day after day, night after night. Moms rock. Grab it, read it, treasure it. It's well done and beautifully illustrated also! Dr. David & Lisa Frisbie The Center for Marriage & Family Studies Del Mar, California

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  •   My Mommy Hung The Moon[条形码 81082711]     - 在馆可借
  •   My Mommy Hung The Moon[条形码 81083176]     - 已被 Andy 借出 归还日期2014-09-17



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