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年龄/等级:6-9 / Level-3 / 1-3

作 者:Krauss Ruth

主 题:亲情、家庭 - 父母亲睡前故事   


  • 页 数:40
  • 图书类型:Picture Book
  • 装订类型:Softcover
  • 价 格:5.95 美元
  • 押 金:60 元
  • 逾期借阅费:9 元/月
Overview / 简介:
Join the fun as a mother and child play a loving game of hide-and-seek in this board book edition of Ruth Krauss's delightful story, originally titled The Bundle Book. As baby hides beneath the soft blanket, Mother tries again and again to guess what in the world the bundle could be. Brought to life with luminous full-color artwork, this heart-warming story is perfect for all parents and young children to share.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
PreSA"One morning a mother saw a strange bundle under the blankets in her bed." So begins this charming story of a treasured moment between mother and child. In a familiar game, the woman tries to guess what this child-shaped object may be. A pile of laundry? A bunch of carrots? She is sure she doesn't need any of these things, and each time the squirming lump says, "No." Finally, a face pops out of the blanket and yells, "It's ME," and the two share a hug. In a perfect ending, the mother affirms, "It's you. AndAyou're just what I need." This story was originally published in 1951 as The Bundle Book. As with many of Krauss's titles, the proof of its classic status is the way young children still giggle at its gentle simplicity. Noonan's illustrations, in the soft pastel colors of the nursery, glow as if suffused with morning light. As the mother wonders about the contents of the bundle, an appealing stuffed puppy acts out her guesses, bringing an added touch of humor to the silly inquiries. Sure to be a toddlertime favorite.ALisa S. Murphy, formerly at Dauphin County Library System, Harrisburg, PA

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Rating:five stars. A lovely story of a toddler girl hiding under a blanket and playing a game of "what is under the blanket"? Mother makes many guesses as to what it can be and each response is "I don't need (the item)". At the end the girl pops out and declares the lump was "me" and then mother states that is just what she needed. This is very cute and shows love and typical interaction between a loving mother and adoring daughter. I have the board book version and I am sure it will get much repeated use. The theme of love between parent and child is not seen often enough in children's books and I am glad to see it in this book. Often books focus on the child, the child's activities, or objects (cars, trains, toys, etc.) rather than focusing on the expression and communication of love between parent and child.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
This outstanding American illustrator and author was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1928, the son of Jewish immigrants from Poland. Sendak's career as an illustrator began after a stint as a window dresser. He illustrated more than 40 books between 1951 and 1962. Where the Wild Things Are--the book that made Sendak's name internationally, appeared in 1964, and its popularity has never waned.

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