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年龄/等级:4-7 / Level-1 / PreK-1

作 者:Cushman Doug

主 题:节日 - 圣诞节新年   


  • 页 数:32
  • 图书类型:Picture Book
  • 装订类型:Hardcover
  • 价 格:11.11 美元
  • 押 金:88 元
  • 逾期借阅费:11 元/月
Overview / 简介:
If you were a snowman with a long carrot nose,
Coal for your eyes and a scarf for your clothes,
In your bed that’s zero degrees Fahrenheit,
How would you wish your frosty papa good night?

Everyone needs to go to bed on Christmas Eve—even at the North Pole! In this joy-filled holiday romp, find out how polar bears, gingerbread men, elves, toys—even Santa—help their little ones settle down on an exciting night.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
“…when readers spot her [the girl’s] pointy elf ears, they’ll turn right back to the beginning to see how Cushman’s clever, colorful illustrations disguised her as a human girl.” --Horn Book Magazine “Cushman’s bold, cartoonlike graphics have charm that will work well in storytime…” --School Library Journal "...a colorful, simple, comforting offering, with all of the right touches to become a bedtime standby." --Booklist “This deliciously clever bedtime story offers bouncy rhymes with rich vocabulary, a cast of appealing parent-child pairs and a satisfying ending as Santa takes off with his sleigh and his traditional 'to all a good night'" --Kirkus Reviews, starred review

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
As a story time leader, this is just the sort of book I love. It's bold, cartoon illustrations are colorful, and are filled with characters and scenes that are sure to engage even the youngest story listener. The rhymes are very well done, with a great read aloud flow, and perhaps most importantly, it has an opportunity for audience participation! What more could you want? Oh yeah, it's about Christmas! Each rhyme asks "How would you say goodnight?" and asks creatures as varied as snowmen (Brrr), Mice (Squeak), Polar Bears (Grr), reindeer (jingle,jingle), doves (coo), gingerbread men (crunch), and elves (?). Kids will have great fun making the noises, however I'm not sure how we're going to handle the elves page since I don't speak elvish. The ending has a big payoff when we hear from the man in the red suit himself as he delivers the classic line "Merry Christmas to all! And to all a Good Night". This is a great, whimsical choice for story times at Christmas or as a Christmas bedtime story. The illustrations offer up much that kids will want to look at again and again and sharp eyed kids will surely spot a bit of a surprise ending when the girl we meet on the first page turns out to be an elf! A very worthwhile addition to any child's or preschool classroom's Christmas collection.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Doug Cushman is the author and illustrator of Halloween Good Night, Dirk Bones, and the Aunt Eater mystery series, and has illustrated over one hundred books, including the New York Times bestseller What Dads Can’t Do. He lives in Paris.

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