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  • 页 数:32
  • 图书类型:Picture Book
  • 装订类型:Softcover
  • 价 格:6.99 美元
  • 押 金:70 元
  • 逾期借阅费:11 元/月

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
PreSchool-In this joyous winter song, a mother lovingly shares a snowfall with her baby. The warm earthy shades of brown and the softly contoured shapes of her sturdy northern home are echoed in the snow-covered rocks, providing a comforting physical setting for the poetic text. "It's a dark dark, cold cold night," and Mama bundles up herself and Baby, goes out into the sparkling night, and lovingly implores the child to smell and hear and taste and touch the snow. She builds a snow troll and takes the infant riding on a sled and an ice sculpture of a bear. Baby laughs, gets a red nose, and then is tucked back into his cradle while Mama enjoys a hot drink in front of the fire. The gouache paintings are beautifully executed, evoking a sublime winter wonderland. This is a lovely, satisfying story to share at bedtime. Pair it with Uri Shulevitz's Snow

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
"It's a dark dark, cold cold night. Mama rocks the cradle. The cradle rocks Baby. Baby softly sleeps. Mama sighs and nods her head. Baby sighs and sucks his thumb..." And then Mama notices the first flakes dancing down from the sky. "It's snowing!" Mama sings. Baby wakes and blinks. "Baby, it's snowing!" She bundles him up, scrunches into her coat, scarf, and mittens, and "trundles" outside to revel in her baby's first snowfall. She wants her son to experience it all, see the snow, hear it, taste it, feel it, and even smell it. They build a snow troll, sled together down the big hill, and ride their big ice bear. But now it's time to go back inside their warm house and back to sleep..... Olivier Dunrea's simple, spare, poetic text is heartwarming and engaging. But it's his evocative and expressive illustrations that really bring this endearing story to life, and children will be mesmerized by his beautiful and playful winter wonderland scenes. Perfect for preschoolers, It's Snowing is a joyful treasure the whole family can share, that captures the wonder and excitement of a first snowfall.

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yzy0923: 有寓意的书 2013-12-4 9:47:00
这本书封面是暗色的,咋一看去以为是一本悲情的绘本,再翻看下去,原来是一本充满爱与乐趣的绘本。国外的妈妈就是不一样,不会舍不得孩子冻着了,在雪花飘 飘的夜晚,让幼小的孩子体会雪花的存在,享受下雪带来的乐趣,和孩子一起玩,一起疯,然后回家,美美的睡一觉,真好!也让我学会了积极面对各种困难、磨 难,其实他们也是最好的礼物。
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清晨阳光: 温馨绘本:下雪了 2013-5-10 17:01:00
这是一本温馨感人的故事。一个很黑很黑,而且很冷很冷的晚上,妈妈摇着摇篮里的宝宝,宝宝安详地睡着。妈妈轻轻地哼着点着头,宝宝吮着自己的手指……突然 妈妈发现外边飘起了雪花,“下雪了”妈妈说。宝宝醒来眨着眼睛。妈妈再次对宝宝说:“下雪了”。于是她给自己和宝宝都穿得厚厚的,围上围巾帽子,把宝宝背 在背上让他到外边去感受雪,看雪,听雪,尝学,闻雪……甚至让宝宝“飞”出去感受雪。还堆了一个大雪怪,从高高的山坡上滑下来,骑着大白熊。女儿读着读着 羡慕地说:这一切都太好玩了。孩子都很向往雪,喜欢雪。这样的故事既温馨又刺激。而且每页的英文文字也很少,但读起来很美,8岁的女儿很喜欢。
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