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  • 页 数:80
  • 图书类型:Picture Book
  • 装订类型:Softcover
  • 价 格:4.99 美元
  • 押 金:50 元
  • 逾期借阅费:8 元/月
Series / 所属系列:
Encyclopedia Brown

Overview / 简介:
Leroy Brown, aka Encyclopedia Brown, is Idaville neighborhood’s ten-year-old star detective. With an uncanny knack for trivia, he solves mysteries for the neighborhood kids through his own detective agency. But his dad also happens to be the chief of the Idaville police department, and every night around the dinner table, Encyclopedia helps him solve his most baffling crimes. And with ten confounding mysteries in each book, not only does Encyclopedia have a chance to solve them, but the reader is given all the clues as well. Interactive and chock full of interesting bits of information—it’s classic Encyclopedia Brown!

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
"Encyclopedia Brown, Boy Detective" is a wonderful book for kids from about six years to about 12 or so. Published in 1963, it has a sweet tone reminiscent of 1950's TV shows. The fun, though, lies in tracing and anticipating young Brown's using logic, a little science, and keen observation to solve minor crimes and mysteries. Sometimes, he's helping his police chief father; other times kids bring the mysteries directly to him. Your child may successfully solve the mystery on his or her own (each of the 10 cases ends with a question, e.g., "HOW DID ENCYCLOPEDIA BROWN KNOW THIS?," or, after trying to find the culprit, they can turn to the back for the brief answers. There's no tricks, though at least one story assumes a little more knowledge than might be expected from the average grade schooler. For example, one hint is that "Bull Run" was the Northern name for the Civil War battle, not the Southern name (although this solution has an easier clue as well). A wonderful, captivating series of vignettes (ten cases covering 78 pages, not including solutions), I recommend this very highly. It's also a great book for readers from about grades two through about six.

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