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年龄/等级:0-3 / Birth-PreK

作 者:-

主 题:概念(数字、颜色、形状等)   


  • 页 数:10
  • 图书类型:Picture Book
  • 装订类型:Board Book
  • 价 格:5.95 美元
  • 押 金:60 元
  • 逾期借阅费:9 元/月

An excellent size for little hands, these board books feature chunky lift-the-flap tabs that allow just a peek at a hidden photograph—or a larger tab that pulls out the entire view. Favorite little-kid subjects that are addressed in this series include baby animals, cars and trucks, and household objects. A parent who prompts Who or what is hiding behind the little window? starts a game that challenges a child's fine motor skills and teaches key early-learning tasks such as prediction, recognition, and naming.

Ducklings, foals, lambs, and piglets are some of the baby animals to be matched up with their mothers in this little book that introduces such words as beak, mane, and snout and adds animal noises such as Baa! Baa! and Quack! Quack!

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