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年龄/等级:3-6 / Pre-K

作 者:Stein David Ezra

主 题:睡前故事   


  • 页 数:30
  • 图书类型:Picture Book
  • 装订类型:Board Book
  • 价 格:6.99 美元
  • 押 金:70 元
  • 逾期借阅费:11 元/月
Overview / 简介:
This simple, charming story of a young bear's first autumn is perfectly suited to board book format. Bear is surprised when the leaves start falling off the trees, but when he tries to reattach them, it doesn't work. Eventually, he gets sleepy, and burrows into the fallen leaves for a long nap. When he wakes up, it's spring-and there are suddenly brand-new leaves all around, seeming to welcome him.

With its childlike main character and graceful illustrations, Leaves is a great way to teach the youngest children about the changing seasons.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Starred Review. Stein's (Cowboy Ned and Andy) pen-and-ink illustrations conjure a place readers will wish they could visit, a tiny island that pokes up out of a bay. Drawn in mossy greens and golds, the island is home to a very young bear—so young that when the leaves start falling in the autumn, he's a little shocked: He tried to catch them and put them back on... but it was not the same. The bear doesn't despair; he grows sleepy, goes off to hibernate and wakes in the spring. This set of events is depicted in a series of panels trained on the entrance to the bear's den; the single tree above it loses its leaves, is blanketed by snow, and receives visits first by a rabbit and then by a pair of cardinals.) Eventually the bear sticks his head back out to greet the spring sunshine and spies the tiny buds on the trees. 'Welcome!' he cried. And, he thought, the leaves welcomed him. Many things contribute to the success of Stein's tale: the joyously colored panels that hang on the pages like paintings—more intimate, somehow, than double-page spreads—the island's eight trees and their leaves, which seem lively and animate and entirely worthy of friendship; the innocence of the bear; and Stein's willingness to let the story assume its own haiku-like shape. His autumnal pictures seem to glow, while the bear himself has the irresistible appeal of a well-loved toy. All ages. (Aug.)

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Through the eyes of a young bear, David Ezra Stein captures the bittersweet feelings of autumn. With the heart and vocabulary that a toddler will understand, the bear expresses wonder and concern for the falling leaves. It is a simple story, beautifully written and illustrated, that my 3 year old begs to hear over and over.

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