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Cinder Edna



年龄/等级:7-10 / Level-4 / 2-3

作 者:Jackson Ellen

主 题:女孩子喜欢的(公主等)   


  • 页 数:32
  • 图书类型:Picture Book
  • 装订类型:Softcover
  • 价 格:6.99 美元
  • 押 金:0 元
  • 逾期借阅费:0 元/月

图书简介:The famous Cinderella and her neighbor Cinder Edna each worked sunup to sundown for their wicked stepmother and stepsisters. But while Cinderella had the good fortune to be rescued by her fairy godmother, Edna was strong, self-reliant, spunky--and she lived happier ever after! "Nicely executed....This Cinderella send-up is full of kid-pleasing jokes."--Publisher's Weekly.

作者简介:ELLEN JACKSON was born and raised in southern California. As a teenager, she always wished her feet were small and delicate, and tried to cram them into shoes that were several sizes too small. Later, when she read the story of Cinderella to her kindergarten classes, she wondered how anyone could run in glass slippers, much less dance in them.
Now the author of several books for children, Ellen lives in Santa Barbara, California, where she has gladly forgotten the recipes for dozens of ways to make tuna casserole.

其他网站书评:I am a teenager and I read this book as part of an assignment in class. The book of Cinder Edna shows the plasticy-type "teenager," with a perfect, paper thin look, versus the homely, sensible girl with character. Cinderella marries the prince and has to sit through royal meetings and all of that, and Cinder Edna gets to marry the not-so-handsome prince and live happily. and have fun.
Any teen like me who ISNT one of the pretty or popular girls will get a boost of self-esteem when they read this book. I would reccomend this book to be in psychologist's offices and anorexic hospitals and the like ALL OVER THE COUNTRY.

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  •   Cinder Edna[条形码 71818672]     - 已被 含苞妈咪 借出 归还日期2016-02-18
  •   Cinder Edna[条形码 61800352]     - 在馆可借



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