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Jungle Party



年龄/等级:5-8 / Level-2 / K-2

作 者:Brian Wildsmith

主 题:成长及个性发展阶段   


  • 页 数:29
  • 图书类型:Picture Book
  • 装订类型:Softcover
  • 价 格:5.99 美元
  • 押 金:0 元
  • 逾期借阅费:0 元/月

About the book:

Python is hungry, and, knowing this, all the other animals are keeping out of his way. So wily Python comes up with a cunning scheme.He invites them all to a party, promising he will be good. The animals can't resist, and join in enthusiastically when he suggests they all perform their party tricks. Python saves his trick for last - and if it hadn't been for Elephant happening to pass by, he might have had the last laughWhat Python's trick is, and how the animals were deceived by him, is told with wit and zest by one of our greatest picture book storytellers.

About the author:

Brian Wildsmith was raised in a small mining village in Yorkshire, England, where, he says, “Everything was grey. There wasn’t any colour. It was all up to my imagination. I had to draw in my head...”

He won a scholarship to the Slade School of Fine Art where he studied for three years. For a while he taught music at the Royal Military School of Music, but then gave it up so that he could paint full time.

He has deservedly earned a reputation as one of the greatest living children’s illustrators. In 1962, he published his first children’s book, ABC, for which he was awarded the Kate Greenaway Medal, Britain’s equivalent to the Caldecott Medal. He was also a runner up for this medal for The Owl and the Woodpecker.
In 1994, the Brian Wildsmith Art Museum was established in Izukogen, a town south of Tokyo, Japan. Almost one and a half million people visited a traveling exhibition of his work in 2005. Eight hundred of his paintings are on loan to the museum.

Brian is married, has four children, and currently lives in the south of France.

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