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年龄/等级:3-6 / Pre-K

作 者:Udry Janice May

主 题:社交 - 朋友相处   


  • 页 数:32
  • 图书类型:Picture Book
  • 装订类型:Softcover
  • 价 格:6.95 美元
  • 押 金:60 元
  • 逾期借阅费:0 元/月

James used to be my friend. But today he is my enemy.

James and John are best friends -- or at least they used to be. They shared pretzels, umbrellas, and even chicken pox. Now James always wants to be boss, and John doesn't want to be friends anymore. But when he goes to James' house to tell him so, something unexpected happens.

Janice May Udry is the author of several books for children, including the 1957 Caldecott Medal-winning A Tree is Nice, illustrated by Marc Simont, as well as The Moon Jumpers and Let's Be Enemies, both illustrated by Maurice Sendak. Ms Udry lives in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

This is a great book for four or five year olds. It is actually very realistic; young children are constantly making, breaking and renewing friendships, all in the great process of self-discovery and practice. This book could be used as a tool to discuss friendship with kindergarteners. The illustrations are perfect. The line drawings are simple, with only three colors: red, green and black. But I knew just John and James were feeling. This book is timeless!

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