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年龄/等级:4-7 / Level-1 / PreK-1

作 者:Cuyler Margery

主 题:幽默、搞笑故事类童话故事、传说类   


  • 页 数:32
  • 图书类型:Picture Book
  • 装订类型:Softcover
  • 价 格:7.99 美元
  • 押 金:80 元
  • 逾期借阅费:12 元/月
From Organization / 国外机构评价:
At the zoo a boy is lifted into the sky by his balloon. "Oh, that's good. No, that's bad! "--because the balloon pops when it hits a tree deep in the jungle. "Oh, that's bad. No, that's good! "--because the wide-eyed lad falls into a river and climbs onto a hippo, who takes him to shore. Thus incidents that appear to be positive turn out to be negative (and vice-versa) as the child confronts an extremely colorful bevy of animals, including baboons who chase him up a tree, a hissing snake whom he mistakes for a vine, a kindly elephant who pulls him out of quicksand and a stork who flies him back to the zoo, into the arms of his parents. Cuyler's ( Fat Santa ) fanciful tale is energized by exclamations ("WHEEEE!"; "WHOOPS!"; "GLUG! GLUG!") that beg to be read aloud. Catrow's witty cartoons paint the jungle in a humorous light and hilariously depict the boy's alternating terror and relief. And that's good ! Ages 4-7.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
This book is great fun to read out loud to preschoolers and young school children. Sound effects are written in (bang, whoosh, plop), so you don't need a lot of imagination, just a lot of expression. It is the story of a boy whose parents buy him a balloon at the zoo (that's good), and it lifts him up and away (that's bad). He is deposited in the jungle and meets a variety of helpful and not-so-helpful animals there. The illustrations are delightful, and it has a happy ending. It shows kids that you can have all sorts of adventures in the big wide world, and you can always come home to your loving parents.

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